In February, a lovely group of beta readers was reading the second draft of my 2021 NaNoWriMo supernatural mystery project. I incorporated their feedback into a third draft, and it's now cranking through the awesome writing critique group I'm working with through my membership with the New Orleans chapter of Sisters in Crime.

It will take a little while to get the group's feedback because of our meeting and page read schedule, so in the meantime, I am letting this particular story sit idle while moving on to other projects I've had on the back burner.
After a series of unfortunate events that led to its publication delay, Ninja Squirrel and the
Clan of Shadows is finally with the proofreader. Hurray! More news to follow soon on its release date. Also, my short story The Woman in Brown is undergoing final rewrites before it heads to the editor and proofreader, and then this story will be coming out this year as well! Woohoo! More details soon as we get closer to its launch date.

As these projects near completion, I'm planning what's next. And I already have more than a few ideas. For example, I've dusted off a historical mystery series I began writing a few years ago that takes place in the 1930s. I wrote this series out of a love of comedic movies and books I've enjoyed, such as Dashiell Hammett's The Thin Man series and those delightfully fun early Cary Grant movies like His Girl Friday (1940).
I'm also planning another middle-grade novel I've had in the back of my mind for a while (if continued writing of the Ninja Squirrel series leaves me time). This story, about a clash of timber and arctic wolves in a world of shrinking resources and climate change, is still in the very early stages of development, but I'm really excited about it.
That's all for now! Thanks for reading.

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